Monday, February 21, 2011

My Apartment Living

It's President's Day, the migraine is finally subsiding, and I'm home on a day off and need to get moving on the cleaning project. And I will. Well, right after I blog.

After living here in Maryland for almost 11 years, I'm finally way happy with my apartment. I like the location and the space. And with a child and on my way to age 38 (gag), I want to make this rented space a home. I started last year when I moved in. I had lots of big ideas, as usual...and a small budget, as usual. Still, I was able to get enough to make a good start.

This year, it's about to get better. I have visions, and a little bit more will come to fruition.

Yesterday, my lovies, I ordered my new living room sofa..woot woot!!!!

My existing sofa resides in Claire's play room and is covered in a very happy (and practical) red slipcover. This will remain our primary casual seating area. My living room will be more of my dream escape. So I need to convey that idea to my child, who will, I'm sure, look at the new sofa as her new piece of gym equipment...sigh.

Nevertheless, I feel like a kid in a candy store thinking about the future spot where my sofa will live.

As a confirmed etsy whore, I have been slowly but surely acquiring a few accent pieces to further make my place my own. I am excited to make my rather blah master bathroom a bit more "me," and the theme of my whole bedroom/bathroom is "tranquility."

Little by little, my home will reflect who I am, and I am overjoyed to say I'm liking not only my home, but the person I am, more and more each day.



namoo said...

I am so very excited for you! I'll still come one day to help with wall stencil. can't wait to see your new dream escape place!

mom said...

the last part really makes me feel good. whatever makes you happy is a plus.

Nicky Abram said...

Hiya, just to say hello from England. Have a wonderful Easter hols. Nicky

Hemraj said...
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voip services said...

I am so very excited for you!