Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm Not God's Best

Per Joel Osteen on Live on Larry King...

King: Should a gay couple be allowed to adopt?

Joel Osteen: I think that, again, it's best for a male and a female. I'm not saying that gay people aren't good people. ...

King: Or good parents.

Joel Osteen: Yeah, exactly. But again, I like to shoot for God's best, and that is a father and a mother in the home. It doesn't always happen. I know a lot of people raised by single parents. And you know what? We bless them and pray for them as well. But I think God's best is a male and female.

Sooooooooooo I'm just kind of second best because I'm a single parent? Hmmm. Thanks, Joel. Just another reason for me to put on my list of "Why Right-Wing Christian Fanatics Are Bogus."


Anonymous said...

I won't even start. this is just sick. ugh...

Kurt Michaelson said...

Joel certainly put his foot in his mouth when he said they pray for single parents "as well" and God's best is male and female.

I'm sure his statement, though unclear in its context, was not meant to deminish the importance of what a single parent does.

I'm not a supporter of Joel Osteen anyway, but he should have been more clear when he equated single parents with homosexuals.

KaraB said...

Well, I'm down w/the gays, too, so that probably further bans me to hell. My personal religion is everyone treat each other with dignity and respect and without judgment. That's just how I roll.

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

Not God's Best? A single parent is doing the work of two people -- that's amazing in and of itself! I think you must be right up there on God's "best list." Like that list even exists. Whatever.