Monday, October 12, 2009

Protecting my child

I, like many people, sometimes feel the media puts the fear of God in us unnecessarily. Seriously, I feel like the media has been an enormous influence on the downfall of the morals in our lifetime.

On the other hand, there are stories presented that serve to help me in a decision. This one was one of them.

I'm pro-vaccine...always have been, always will be. But I was having more than second thoughts about the H1N1 vaccine for Claire. I was really 90% sure I wasn't going to get it for her. I've changed my mind. My child is in daycare. You always think it can't happen to you, just like Isabella's parents thought she wouldn't get so sick. By God's unending grace she got better, but I'm not taking the chance.

This is just is just one drop in the infinite bucket of worries and decisions we as parents face each day. It, as always, increases the enormous admiration I have for my parents. I think of all the worries and decisions they, too, encountered...except for me it's just for one child and for them it was three (because Mother you two were nuts enough to have three of us). I also remember not thinking about any of it as a child. Because that too is a part of parenting...trying to save your child from fear and worry.

This is a hard gig, but I'm glad I had shining examples of how to handle it, and I'm equally glad to be surrounded by my "circle of moms" to commiserate and vent with. With love.


Anonymous said...

This is tough...I recently decided not to give her the vaccine but I am torn again now.

KaraB said...

Well, I think for me a driving force is that she's in for my other mamas who have their babes at home, my own feelings are it may not be as crucial. But daycare is just a germ farm!

LoveLladro said...

I am so torn over this as well. I have an appointment with the ped but not until the beginning of Nov. I (like In Sung) had thought initially that I wouldn't because he isn't in a daycare but I am still torn. We hang with other kids ALL the time. We spend time at the mall playarea (especially in the winter months) and other indoor kid germ areas... UGH. I hate this part of parenthood. Can't I just have the sweet awesome parenthood stuff and not worry about the crappy decision making part of parenthood? Can I say parenthood a few more times?

Anonymous said...

Torn, torn, torn... Should I just put my girl in a bubble like in a movie?